Saturday, October 6, 2012

Reunion, gorgeous Island

Very french and very clean.  Would love to have a longer stay here.

We only had a day here off the ship and took the bus to St Gilles. The video shows the town's main street. 

two fish having a love in, how very french!

Our waitress who talked us into a liqueur gingembre made on the premises.  It was delicious.  Recipe: take one bottle of good white rum and add heaps of fresh ginger to it. Leave to sit for at least 3 months.  


A day in town and not on a tour. Head for the market to see what the locals eat.
The squashes and fruit were enormous and the celery and leeks were tiny!!!

We found that the fruit and veg of the squash/pumpkin types were all enormous.  

The pomegranates were enormous and sweet.

People eat fish sold from the market. No refrigeration here and it was hot!  Their digestive systems are obviously stronger than ours!!   

Tony holding the palm in which there is a heart, which is on the plate and tasted delicious.

A small quiet place to eat in Port Louis, the capital.
All the resorts are on the other side of the island.

Leaving Port Louis, leisurely!

Lankawi interesting for it's lake

Lankawi  and it's fresh water lake protected from the sea by the mountains that surround it. It is a dead volcano crater filled with fresh water topped up by rain.

 The robbers of the island, the monkeys, will snatch anything from you. If you're heading for the lake leave food and anything in a plastic bag on the boat. 

board walks everywhere enabling easy access for all to swim 

The water wasn't cold
The rest of the day on the beach. No monkeys here. Free to leave belongings!!

Friday, October 5, 2012

In the various ports

Adelaide: a quiet town 'till we got there...

Freemantle. Definitely worth a longer visit. University town with Perth up the freeway. The area famous for Murray River wines.

Yes, Tony bought the duck and kookaburra whistles which were used to find each other in shopping centres! He was the kookaburra!!
 no high rise here and mostly the original architecture. We liked it.

Welcome to Indonesia.  What else do you do on a rainy day?
Enjoy the parlour. 
Toilets were funny here.  Intelligence was needed to find the button/chain/foot pedal.....????

Then Singapore, where we talked Sylvia, travelling on here own, into the fact that she wasn't scared of heights. To her credit she took the plunge!! 
Well done. 

views from above in the cable car
Amazing art of noodle making.

Sailing to South Africa 2012

We decided to do a "leg" of the Arcadia's world cruise. 30 days to South Africa. Great fun.  The only let down was the food. The positive of this was that we didn't put on weight!!!

You have to admire the power put out of that engine room!

Challenges and games. The boats had to be made from stuff that was available on the ship. Beg, Borrow or dare I say it steal!  Tony and mascot, Scruff, who was rescued from ship's shop.
the ship and had to carry 6 full cans without sinking.The pirates came 2nd.

Oh yes! another photo!