Sunday, August 14, 2011

Interesting Hawaiian flag....Did you know........

I knew that Capt. James Cook had discovered these islands and named them the Sandwich Islands and I also knew that he met with a sticky end here, but I didn't know that Hawaii had a past history with the British much beyond the discovery. They acknowledge their past in their flag. The Hawaiian flag with the union jack in the top left hand corner flies alongside the stars and stripes all over Honolulu.  
For more info on the history of Hawaii centred around the British connection I chose the link below:
O   Other links are more American orientated and there seems to be a bias in all directions as to what happened here depending on the author..... hey, history was written by the victors.  The influence the British had is recorded in the state flag, just another very good reason why flags should be an acknowledgement of a country's past,  it gives interest and meaning to that piece of cloth, don't you think?


The 3rd flag in this picture belongs to the Dole pineapple plantation where we had the typical American fare!

pineapple ice cream and fresh pineapple for $4.95
We shared this......

another concoction. This person wasn't sharing!!

The plantation is on the way to the northern beaches of Oahu. A slick operation.

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