Wednesday, September 8, 2010

Magnetic Island: a feast of critter and bird magic!

only for those of my friends who are COMPUTER CHALLENGED: where I have added a link you will have to manually go to that site by copy and paste! this is how it is done:  Highlight the URL, right click mouse, choose copy, go to address area of your browser and right click again, then choose paste).

BACK TO THE MAGNETIC CRITTERS AND BIRDS and Magnetic island. Apparently Capt. Cook's compass went haywire here and that is how the island was named. Other tests have been done as to why Capt Cook's compass played up in this part of the world, but to no avail.  Just one of those things!
When we went to collect our tickets from Marilyn we had no idea that a wonderful experience awaited us.  She nurtures orphaned wild life and allowed Tony to feed  Chrissie, the 7 month old Rock Wallaby.

This little possum with baby in pouch made herself at home in the tree behind our van. No guessing why!

.....and then there were the birds.  Rainbow Lorikeets are found from north to south down the eastern seaboard. Nectar eating birds they don't actually eat the fruit but suck the juice out and leave an unholy mess of dry chewed bits of fibre all over the floor!

There's plenty of competition in the noise department from Australia's noisiest and most gorgeous bird, the kookaburra.
Waiting to be fed at the hotel where the jazz was on. Yes, the jazz was competing for a little while.
Not to be outdone, the curlews had a go every evening with their blood curdling cries.

Just had to finish this post with the colourful lorikeets.


Clyde Mendes said...

This is an amazing post. I love the pictures. The birds are very beautiful.

pidge said...

Just beautiful birds. Amazing how they lite right on your hand and eat. Thanks for sharing the videos and the sites.