Tuesday, September 28, 2010

Tony zipped!

If you're wondering why the blog has slowed somewhat it's because we've been forced to slow down.  A Caesar Salad was apparently the last straw for Tone's gall bladder!!!!  In excruciating pain I rushed him to Cairns Base hospital where he was held under the influence of morphine and after a scan and stomach drain via a tube down his nose he was in no position to argue the case against surgery.  Three hours later he was stapled up minus his gall bladder.  No other problems and he is now on the mend. The zip was removed today....Yayh!!!!

  This is what an emergency zip looks like. No consideration for the cosmetic appearance.  Bellybutton? What bellybutton?

We will however keep the post coming on whatever interesting stuff we stumble upon.

1 comment:

pidge said...

Nasty looking Zipper. Here in the States they make 5 little slits, then suck your gall bladder out. Sorry to hear Tony is under the weather. Will keep him in our prayers. Stay safe.